I can’t believe this course is coming to and end. Joy and I have come a long way and I must say I could not be happier with how the site turned out! Overall, this course was quite a learning experience. I had never worked with WordPress before so it tested my patience quite a lot but I gained a lot of new and useful skills.
There were some areas of the site that deviated from the original contract we drew up, however, none of the changes were that significant. We changed the theme to better display our information and we omitted the section on Women’s Naval Militia since I could not find enough sources to write up the section.
Throughout the course, I appreciated the feedback Joy and I received for the site from Dr. Pearson and Dr. McClurken as well as the other students in the class . It was really helpful to have this open dialogue between all the members of the course because all the comments we received bettered our site.
I appreciate the fact that the Century America course gave me the opportunity to explore the archives. I really enjoyed spending time in the Sarasota History Center during the researching stage of the course. It was fascinating to see the various materials stored at the Center as well as figuring out which materials were useful for our research. It sort of felt like a scavenger hunt. Also, getting to meet and interview Harriet Burns Stieff was an amazing opportunity. We were able to capture her story and share it with the community. Her family’s ties to the community are so prevalent that it felt like a duty to provide some form of documentation of it. Through the use of videos, I believe that I was able to do so.
I must say that the video editing process was quite a journey. As I was editing the first video on development my computer stopped working and all those edits were lost. It took me a while to get a new computer and the program set up. I had to redo the edits on the previous program but once I did so I was on track again.
Besides editing the four videos and transcribing them, I worked on the Agriculture and Woman’s Club section. From the beginning of the project, I showed interested in exploring the Woman’s Club since I had never heard about it but kept seeing the club popping up in the newspapers I was looking at. It was interesting to learn how huge of a role the members of the club played it making Sarasota the way it looks today. It was in charge of the beautification of the town. So all the beautiful vegetation lining the streets of downtown Sarasota today owe it to the club.
Overall, I could not be happier with my experience with Century America. This is such a unique course that connects students of similar interests from various liberal arts colleges across the United States together. I gained so many new skills and solidified others. Thank you all for being such engaging and helpful peers!