Seeing it More Clearly

A poem printed in Matt Carpenter Junior High School's "War Poems" from 1917. (Superior Public Library Archives. )

A poem printed in Matt Carpenter Junior High School’s “War Poems” from 1917. It seems pretty harsh, but most people seemed very focused on the war and wanted to do anything in their power to promote the war effort. (Superior Public Library Archives.)

After hours and hours of work, I feel like my site is finally coming along. There is so much yet to do, but now that I can see it, it’s going more smoothly. I’m still working on a few of the research pieces that didn’t happen yet due to timing and other issues, so I have some meetings upcoming to go through more paperwork and to go through a few more items. Although I didn’t get any personal artifacts out of my attempt at crowdsourcing on social media, I do have a meeting set up to look at and photograph some military equipment from WWI that a local resident owns. (That should be neat!)

I have some loose ends to tie when it comes to completing some of my pages, but the weather lately has really not been conducive to any travel or setting meetings. We are supposedly going to get up to one inch of ice and then up to 5 inches of snow in the next two days. That really hampers my travel plans. But I will keep going with what I currently have access to.

I am having a little trouble in dealing with the permissions end still, mostly because it’s time consuming and I need to have a list of images or items I plan to use – which seems to be changing daily –  but I have sent a few forms in the mail already, and will be sending out more tomorrow.

The Chicago Style stuff is still confusing me since I haven’t found a decent source to explain how to cite from un-accessioned archival items that I am taking photos of. Anyone have a good place to go for that information? Otherwise, I might have to ask around at school. Unfortunately for me, I’m a Public Historian, so Chicago Style is not my forte. I guess I will master it by the time I get through citing this entire website.

I recorded a couple of war poems so I have the audio in case I can fit it into my website. I’ve been working on my summaries, stories and write ups, photo captions, focus of pages, details on pages, and did a little work messing with the Century America logo. I should probably work on some homework for one or two of my other five classes at some point in the near future.


Dear History Thesis,
I know we’ve not seen each other for quite some time. Tomorrow, I promise to get back in touch – mostly because I would like to graduate in May.
Sincerely, Dara

2 thoughts on “Seeing it More Clearly

  1. That poem you found is really a gem! I think you’re right, it doesn’t intend to come off as mean, but rather encourages patriotism and support of the war effort. It makes me wonder how well-received the poem was by other students at the school – my guess is that they would have seen it as a form of support as well? Anyhow, your site is really coming along well! I can’t wait to see what your final project looks like :) And if you have any questions about Chicago-style citations, please let Leah and I know! That’s what we use here at UMW so we can try to help in any way we can. Best of luck!

  2. Your site looks great, Dara! :) Are you having any more luck with the citation style? I’m curious–what kind of citations do you use as a public historian?

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